super formula 10000 – 5w30



package size

3 liters

viscosity standard


super formula 10000 – 5w30

Muller-SN is a unique synthetic lubricant specially developed for gasoline engines. A new generation of automotive oils based on revolutionary concepts meeting the performance level required by today’s gasoline engines. Muller SN is formulated with fully synthetic group III base oil in combination of leading edge additive technology to provide outstanding results under required services. Which enables it to give exceptional performance under most sever operating conditions. Serves as a clear API SN capability and complying with requirements of the latest direct injection engines and conventional engines as well.

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Product Specifications

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This oil is recommended for all gasoline and diesel engines in cars and light industrial vehicles. All turbo charged and multi-valve engines. Suitable & exceeds the performance requirement of most European, Japanese and American car manufacturers. Suitable for most severe operating conditions, on highways, dense city traffic & in extreme weather conditions. This engine oil is perfectly adapted to vehicles equipped with catalysts and using unleaded fuel or liquefied petroleum gas.


Easy cold start and ideal lubrication at elevated temperatures, ensures low oil consumption and cold start protection against wear. Ensures sustainable high performance, It has the high viscosity index and excellent stability. Fully miscible with other engine oils. Less oil top-up. Superior antiwear properties protect the engine cleanliness and enhanced performance.


Muller-SN meets and exceeds the requirements of API SN and can be used in all types of cars and light dutytrucks.The product also meets the following OEM’s standards. ILSAC GF-4, ILSAC GF-5 energy conservation standards, General Motors GM 6094M specifications, Can be mixed with similar high quality engine oils

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